Calling many


Calling Many!


What Did Jesus Mean by ‘Many Are Called, But Few Are Chosen’?


You know I was thinking earlier today being early in the a.m that it is important to live in the spirit. When you live in the flesh you are subject to the carnal mind. There are certain things that God has told us that are an abomination to him and that will contaminate you with the world. And you know it's written that to befriend the world is enmity with God. James 4:4 So what is life but a vapor here today and gone tomorrow. You could easily shrug it all off even if you claim to be a born again Christian and be overwhelmed by the world and by those who have been purchased by it. Remember Christ gave many parables and besides what I'm going to talk about he gave the parable about purchasing a field. A man would give anything to enter into his kingdom and you cant get there by riches. But what he said mainly say you had whatever possessions it would be but say it's gold and you would give everything you have and even scrape to purchase a field that is a desire and a burning perhaps towards the gospel but what does it really take? Right now in the flesh on Earth people can't perceive what is Paradise in the Life to come but they do perceive the physical life here on Earth in sin being alienated from God who is Holy. Somewhere in our memories or in the back of our mind we sometimes ponder these things but then we are overwhelmed with the amazement of this life being in music or Arts or countless other things. (We need to do things not to be seen of men) for example there are many people whom live for music or for film but not according to God's instructions to mankind. But God tells us we are to live and be holy because he is Holy. We live in a god-hating world that wants Paradise but rejects the straight Gate. Many things as humans that we do are an ocean filled with fornication  an ocean of sin. And to love somebody is to understand the gospel and his teachings. For instance I heard somebody say earlier today I love you to a woman in a hallway but do they really or are they infatuated with just saying that word. Many people are idle worshipers and even today I can see people are accepting it and being proud of it. God is telling us this is not the way and this way will lead to the place of the damned. Moses did God's will and so did Noah. So did Abraham. They obeyed God. Many are called and few are chosen. Sometimes people are at the banquet but they don't belong there. They answer the call but they have their feet in two kingdoms. Moses was instructed to take off his sandals for the ground in which he walked is Holy ground. I believe he was on Mount Sinai. Hallelujah and I invite you to read this article.

Acts 17:30


“And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:”

King James Version (KJV)

In the after notesponder which banquet are you at? Are you at the banquet of the damned headed straight for the fire or are you really at the banquet wedding with oil in your lamps? Are you circling the desert but you can't find the promised Land? Or are you obeying the gospel? Remember that it's a straight gate and there is going to be crying as of weeping and gnashing of teeth.

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