Lean not on your own understanding


January 8th 2022 8:44 am


Lean not on your own understanding


Over the centuries God gave us many prophets including many even before the time of the Messiah being born. Which God are you believing in? Who is Jesus Christ to you? Which Bible version do you favor? Are you living the true teachings which is the life in Christ or are you living a deceived life in the world. Remember lot's soul was vexed. It was vexed with the filthy conversation of all of those evil wicked sinners in his time just as we have them today. We as Christians are told to rebuke them because they are an offense unto the Lord. They sure are not in the camp of the Lord. So you have to understand that the way is a StraightGate. You have to lean on his understanding and you have to understand he is risen and he is Holy. People do not live holy and yet claimed or claim to be believers. Yes their perception of holiness being many reprobate deprived people is contaminated and not holy at all.

Now before I explain the reason and validity of this particular blog topic we have to remember not to be Pharisees but at the same time as ambassadors of Christ being Christians we have to uphold and contend for the faith once delivered unto the Saints. So there are different levels of Christians some that are on milk and some that are on meat. Some have very developed spiritual discernment/experience and others are bordering on the ship that is sailing south. So it takes wisdom to know when to apply and when to not apply  administration (even in the word) in conjunction with logic. Keep focus on John 10:10. You see at the same time we have to remember the Lord did tell us he will puke the lukewarm out of his mouth. And then again some people with hardened hearts need a new heart of flesh.


So we either believe man or men who will lie to us or we believe the true God. (I am that I am) We have to believe the words of the Lord Jesus Christ. Satan fell like lightning from heaven and he deserved it. He roams around the Earth looking for people to devour. So is he holy? A couple of things you must understand that he wants to be like God and he seeks worship. He hates his own maker and he was/is prideful, arrogant and he even has a kingdom. As well as he had the nerve to temp the Lord Jesus Christ. He said: Kneel down and worship me and I will give you the kingdoms of the world. So yes he controls the kingdoms of this world. And people that are ignorant or blind may reason to themselves if God is real and he is why does he let Satan rule the Earth. James 4.4  It's rather complicated and you have to believe the words of scripture. You see you must remember the unblemished Lamb of God there was no sin in him. He's not a liar. 8:21 a m January 8th 2021


Let me explain like this to you that many people are ignorant to the things that Christ taught even regarding about the evil spirits in people. He taught us about the unclean spirits. And remember when the spirits that were not clean we're allowed to go into the pigs they ran into the water/river and drowned themselves. The Bible says I think it is in the Book of James that we are to remain not spotted from the world and that we are to keep the temple holy because God is Holy. So God allowed those fallen angels and Satin to rule and inhabit the Earth. It's not rocket science to know why. I put life and death before you said the Lord choose life. Who did it? Who put life and death before us? Remember those things in scripture where God said a woman will have multiplied sorrow in labour of children because of the Fall. So there are downfalls because of the curse. So because of God's counsel you have to understand that he put forth judgments and he allows the things that people cannot grasp or see in human terms. (There is a world seen and unseen) In other words they being some people try to diminish it and sort of play it off like it's just some spiritual lesson but it's not because it's much more than that. (Because they can't see it right away always." Gods word tells us that God humbles the proud. Pride comes before a fall. Remember Christ's yoke was/is easy. He was/is humble and not prideful at all.  Look what it says in James 4:6 "But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble." King James Version


Now if we look at the book of Isaiah the great prophet we see that even before Christ came onto the scene that this prophet told us about the devil and look what he says..


Isaiah 14:12-15

King James Version

12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

 13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

 15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.


So so in Isaiah 14 it is precisely the truth. If we  look at Isaiah 14:15 we know that hell is reserved for the devil and his angels and it is a real place. We also know that the Messiah, the Christ, the unblemished Lamb of God, the only mediator between man and God, the high priest, the risen Lord having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. (Book of Colossi-ans)

Remember the Lord said if Satan cast out Satan how can his kingdom stand. He's not about to cast himself out. The Bible says resist the devil and he will flee from you. Remember Jesus told the Pharisees that they are of their father the devil. So Jesus said that unbelievers are condemned already because they have not believed on the only name given to men in which they might find Salvation. Now he gave the scenario of the Lamb or sheep that falls into a pit on the Sabbath day. Wouldn't you go get him out? He came to seek and save that which was lost. Lean not on your own understanding. We have an adversary.  1 Peter 5:8

 Are you saved? Are you sure? I recommend you get saved and then you get baptized in Believers Baptism

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