Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof

 4:40 January 25 Tuesday 2022


Matthew 24:22

And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

King James Version (KJV)

I've never seen such a time as this but I have seen hard times in my life. I've heard of wars and I've seen the coverage of 911 back in the day when it happened. I seen the coverage of the war in Kuwait and Afghanistan, even the war in Bosnia / Yugoslavia. Today we hear about the war in other parts of the world such as Syria which is devastating. We heard about the possibility or threat of war on the Ukraine. But ever since this plan pandemic came about the world has been traumatized in various ways like never before. We seen all the riots in the media and all of the bizarre up and downs of what's occurred. We hear about crime going through the roof. But what was reported in the news is a war on police as they have been defunded as well as what we seen televised by the investigative committee sort of a senate in the United States with Rand Paul. We hear about mandates that are being forced on to people without people having a proper choice in the matter and many people lost their jobs. Mainly from specific jobs but even from other jobs. We hear about lots of people around the world that have lost their lives and how the healthcare is being overloaded but still it's unclear if any masking is going on. Very strange days indeed. What I'm often reminded is John 2:16 which is pretty serious. So those systems are going to answer to such the Lord one day. Yeah prayer is very important today. Extremely important. God tells us there was a time when men were massive sinners and God just blinked but now he's calling all men to repentance everywhere. But on the brink of the horizon we have rumors of wars and we have had weather patterns that have been Extreme as well around the world. Lots of damage and lives lost. There are a couple of fellas who cover this call the twopreachers. Bless their souls.


And so I listed a couple of videos below for your viewing. I would ask Christians everywhere to pray over these matters. You know I covered hell last week. And it's a topic many people don't want to know about. People wonder what happens when you leave planet Earth and you breathe your last breath. There's only heaven and Hell. Hell is a real place and the wages of sin is death. There are Christian Brothers who tell us don't die the second death because if you do hell will be your eternal home forever and ever. And there are stories of young people involved in all kinds of evils today. If you die in your sins you need to be warned because you will wake up in a place you never deemed exists. See the Lord Jesus Christ said what will a profit a man to gain the whole world and to perish. So I beg you to take time out to pray and to repent and to call out to God to save a wretch like you. Get rid of the alcohol, the drugs and the verbal abusive language and turn to righteousness. Turn to the God of the Bible. I would highly recommend a King James Bible and if you can't afford one it's online anyways so there's no excuse. You know there are many biblical churches around that have many pamphlets. I'll bet you can even download certain sections of the Bible. There are street preachers that give Bibles away. Make an effort to care about tomorrow because your life is but a vapor here today and gone tomorrow. Don't learn the hard way and perish.



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Pray and turn to the Jesus of the Bible.


Media Fails to Push Back on Those in Power Over COVID, with Tara Henley | The Megyn Kelly Show - YouTube

John 8:36


“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”

January 26th 2022 12:44 a.m.


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