Unfathomable love of the cross


January 26th 2022 10:44 pm


First and foremost I am reminded time and time again about John 10:10. The lord being the Messiah and the anointed one whom is risen and sits at the right hand of the father said that he came to give you life in abundance. But when men make you slaves on to yourselves you're still free if you're in Christ because whom the son sets free is free indeed. The thief comes but to steal and to kill. Little do they know and understand that even their lives are but a vapour and the wages of sin is death. They might pay in a penitentiary but even after they breathed their last breath they will still be judged and there is a strong chance to end up in hell. So what is one do then? They should quickly repent and develop a love for righteousness and for the Lord Jesus Christ. As they develop passion God's holy word has the power unto salvation. And they then will start to love people in the manner that God has commended. Then they be recommended to become a born again Christian and then they should and would live for Christ. They are to obey the gospel. John 3:3


Now I did notice the word down the Grapevine on the mastery and depth of Satan and his entourage. Truly people are in different situations and some are self-made. It's not necessarily that it is a particular Christian wants to be in that scenario but sometimes in trials we are told to be patient. But for other people they might have great resources available to them and many of these Christian brothers and sisters utilize them. But some of them I am sure are spider webbed back into the world. Try and not waste time. You see we live in the world and we have skills in the world but at the same time we can't be Pharisees. (Be wise in wisdom) You know when Jesus said there's not even one who is good and even his through his father in scripture ; through the word of the prophets said there is none that understands it is so because there is a profound reason for that. (Renew your minds often) The things we highly esteem are nothing more than an Abomination unto God. We know from scripture that it is written the man or woman of God will be intrigued into memorizing and pondering as they read the word being the commandments too daily. They will also be in the house of God praying.


So today with this plan pandemic we have trauma and we have evil. We were told about these times and that they would not be easy. There's a feeling in the air and then there's doubt. We hear about freedoms being diminished. We hear that word totalitarianism and another word socialism. And so there was a warning by somebody who actually lived in a socialist country and so I just thought I would have that present here.


Watch "Cuban immigrant gives grim warning to Americans" on YouTube


You know God's word says there is a way that appears right onto a man or a woman but in the end it is the way of death. The Lord Jesus who was born as Yeshua - Emmanuel God With Us said that many people will see the holy prophets in the kingdom of God but they themselves will be thrust out. That is pretty serious. And so yes it is Anointed. Scripture tells us we are to love our neighbours as ourselves. God's word tells us there is no Concord between Darkness and Light. God is all-knowing and he's omnipresent. He knows the thoughts of men. He also knows that those who betray souls and they are lost for eternity such people will stand such a strict judgement unless they repent. Yes the devil deceives the whole world. But he Satin doesn't deceive God. You know God told us greater is he that is in you than in the world. And your maker is the one who knows. Clearly God's word tells us have no other gods before HIM but of course there are reasons for this. So I strongly suggest you read the Bible and find out for yourselves whom was the Lord Jesus Christ.


I seen a couple of videos on what others believe of another faith. Galatians 1:8-9 And the brothers are proclaiming the word of God and evangelizing that word. There are two videos and the word is Anointed. (1.) (2.)


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