Stiff-necked people


Stiff-necked people


( Those who have ears to hear?)

February 18th 2022 3:44 pm

 Christ is knocking at your door are you going to answer?


Moses said people that refusal to live by the law will die by the law when he threw those tablets at the golden calf idol. The book of Revelation tells us that in the end times an Angel of the Lord will throw a milestone into the sea and that will affect the great whore that site on various hills. (Waters) She in essence will be no more.


Of course preachers including modern Christians are going to tell you we're not under the law but we're under grace. Yes we still have city laws and nation laws and international laws that apply. Some laws carry stiff sentences if you break them. The authorities as written some of them are from God. And at certain times jury's and judges are merciful.


God is merciful also if people repent and show gratitude, are sincere with a change of the heart. If you forgive others their trespasses then God will forgive you.


I remember once in an interview with Larry King Steven Seagal was asked why people are so attracted to films that he makes concerning the characters that he plays in those action films. He said because in real life people don't get there come ups but in the movies they can have that. The truth is some people in real life last for years and it may not appear like they don't get their punishments but God has a reason for everything. Scripture tells us there's not even a bird that falls to the ground without his/Gods approval. But at the same time he gave man dominion of the earth. Scripture tells us it is appointed for men to die once and then the judgment. If one does not repent no one that ever lived will get away with anything. Your tongue has the power of life and death. The gospel tells us those that do evil with their tongues will live/eat of it. (not talking about preaching boldly)

 (Man has free WILL)

Now let me give you a stunning truth that so many Christians take out of context completely. That at no point did Jesus ever mean to buy the sword for protection. Prophecy had to be fulfilled and that's why it was required. Christ did not die using a weapon. Peter did not die using a weapon. He Peter cut the ear off the Roman soldier but Jesus healed it. Matter of fact Jesus told Peter pick up your cross and follow me. He did.


Prove it okay


Matthew 26:52 KJV

Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.


Now I want to talk about the rapture. You know what I've noticed sure there are those huge cults as they call them but then there is the truth being the word of the Living God. And a lot of these ministries of biblical Christianity "vary" even in street preachers depending on what was their foundation. They can almost become like miniature cults. Although they will never admit it. It is true Jesus came to set us free from bondage of many types. Especially bondage having an abundance of lies. The Bible says you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. God's word says sanctify them by thy truth, thy word is thy truth. Now that I got that out of the way it's not that many of us biblical Christians do not believe in the rapture because we do. The lamb of God said when he comes he wants to find people with faith. He also made it plain by his parables that if the servant is caught being lazy and being abusive they will be cut asunder. It's like people stand by idle thinking okay I've done enough and I've got my ticket out of here. And it might not come for years. It's redundant. But on the other hand if you see the signs as he gave then you should be cautious. He said always be ready that you may be counted worthy.


John 2:16 is ramped today and should we be surprised?  


Jesus said those that don't pick up their cross everyday  are not worthy of him. Not to boast but I've done it like I have never ever done it before. I've done it mildly and with gentleness and I've done it with righteousness and boldness. You will get people that will be corrected and you will get people that believe they have to use their violence to overcome you. You see Jesus said that a man or woman must be born again to enter into his kingdom. John 3:3 so there is a huge difference by being forceful or by correcting in boldness and in teaching. God says do not defend yourself for vengeance is his. He said I send you out amongst wolves and your job is just to preach. You can follow that up by praying for people. 2:21 February 18 2022


Now bringing people to Christ: Yes the Holy Ghost has to convict that person as this is true. But one must preach in faith. There are times that Christ told people to go forth with no script. Why? Well there was probably one profound reason. God is the supplier of his ministers. He said the workman is worthy of his meat. The word of God as it is written does not return void and it will do what it was sent out to do but you have to have faith. That doesn't mean that at some point if somebody comes to Christ the evil one will not come along and snatch away the seed. Why would God allow this? It is one of the greatest tests. Didn't Apostle Peter say those tests are very important. Those trials and tribulations; you can learn a lot from them.


The Bible tells us give no place to Satan. That you are to bring every thought into captivity. They say Christ went to the slaughter and didn't utter a word. He lay down his own life freely and he picked it up again on his own accord. 


Now the evil one brings forth various other Christs. Yes he counterfeits everything. They say that we could know the character of God by being his children. Jesus said his father is perfect. Living holy is not an easy thing to do. The problem is we are accustomed to the filth that we see as jewels. Somehow we feel that there is a great prize waiting. If you study the rich and famous and their lives it's not what it seems. Some of them humble themselves but many of them do not live a life in Christ. To live such a life as the celebrities you sort of have to sell your soul and befriend the world. Take modelling for instance you might think wow pretty people and a nice personality. Not that some of these people might not be pleasant but that is not how God judges the heart. He said in his kingdom the least is first. God highly a-steam a contrite man or woman. But when we preach we might appear to be bold and cold. The Bible says there's a time to preach and in essence a time to eat and a time for the seasons and a time for war. Still nobody ponder what will happen if they were to pass away today. So many are trying to go to heaven by the wrong door being unsaved and being deceived all their lives. What a shock they're going to get. We need to have faith. We should always be ready. We should have a word of God hidden. A man or woman of God will meditate on the word day and night.


Remember what the apostles and Disciples of Christ went through in their day. Wasn't it Steven that was stoned to death as he called the Jews of the Sanhedrin stiff-necked people. What does it tell us of the resistance to these people in their time as even Apostle Paul came across such people. Well if sin entered into the world by one man and that was Adam then it shows that man hates the light abundantly. I mean look at Lot's wife as she looked back and really wanted to go back to that evil place. During the exile with the deliverer Moses there were people who wanted to take those slaves back to pharaoh. Jesus said don't look back go forward.


The truth is we have to make the best of what we have and at times we have to turn the other cheek. There are going to be times when you must defend yourself because otherwise you won't exist anymore but we're not looking forward to those times. If Christians think just because people have come to Christ the world is good their abundantly blind as a bat. There is not even one. Sure we might have saints that are born again and that's wonderful. This is why we have the head high priest which is Jesus Christ. He prunes the branches. So what is Life about? Repent or perish. The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is everlasting life. John 3:16 You are appointed to die once and then the judgement. Could you imagine the excuses on Judgement Day? We did this and we did that and we did this and we did that but he doesn't know them. Why? Your works are important through your salvation but they don't save you. Salvation is in a person called the biblical Lord Jesus Christ. John 10:10 and I'll be completely honest with you there are I will bet organized churches that will say and speak how to live the life in Christ but the hypocrite is known by their fruit. You see the Pharisees did not practice what they preached. How about you? I want to ask you if you were to die today the first death and you were to stand in front of God how do you think you would do? God knows your heart already. That means even if you look at women with lust but you say that you are born again you don't fool God as you only fool yourself. Jesus said if you love me keep my commandments. Modern Christians will reiterate time and time again that they are under grace and look for excuses to break them. I never knew you you see. Yes it's true you have to put your faith in him and its not by works but you are too finish the good fight and press into the straight gate. Can you do it? Are you a stiff necked person? 2:44 p.m. February 18th 2022


Interesting Reference..


"Stephen's defense of his faith before the Sanhedrin, Jerusalem's supreme rabbinic court, so enraged his Jewish audience that he was taken out of the city and stoned to death. His final words, a prayer of forgiveness for his attackers, echoed those of Jesus on the cross." Jan 1, 2022

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