Your idols cannot deliver your soul


11:44 a.m. Wednesday February 9th 2022


Your idols cannot deliver your soul



Isaiah 44:20


He feedeth on ashes: a deceived heart hath turned him aside, that he cannot deliver his soul, nor say, Is there not a lie in my right hand?”


King James Version (KJV)


People even women that are deceived are not stupid in everything. For instance I know a woman who said look at the money they make off people that died and from people in the grave and all the paraphernalia that goes along with it such as gold crosses as they put these things on the bodies in gaskets and even use them on the graves. Just the cost of a headstone or any other thing to do with the burial place is strange and ODD. They bury people with all sorts of customers and paraphernalia.


Jesus said that he and the father will come and live in that person that is his and calls upon his name. He doesn't live in the headstone. And gold crosses they might remind people of Christ's sacrifice but in a sense they can also be idols. Such excuses I've heard in the past is that in the wilderness Moses had a gold snake or serpent he put/ lifted up for the people to see. So in other words we can have idols too. Moses was not using that as an idol that they're going to worship. The people were in bondage and Moses freed them as he was the deliver sent by God. In a sense that was for courage and to remind them who's the real devil is. He is a serpent. These people fell into idoltary and other such sins and were the children of the inheritance of punishment. Because they had a covenant with their God and they broke it he exiled them for punishment. 400 years of punishment is severe. And other people once they are born again and en-grafted into the Commonwealth of Israel then you could say they belong to the same God that Moses did and does. We might be under grace but shall grace abound.


God tells us in his words that you're idols cannot deliver your soul. You need to obey him and not man because he could send you there where you would never want to be. 10:55 a.m. Wednesday February 9th 2022


Now remember the Jewish religious leader Nicholas paid for the burial site of Christ. But Christ was UN blemished. All of the evil they did to him even parting his clothes yet he still loved them but he was firm in his teaching. You don't read scripture of him hanging around them everyday and laughing at things that are holy and being defiled. People have an obscured imagination of paradise. Its paradise because there is no sin. There is no devil there. There are no insults there. There is no crime there. There is no murder there. Love is spiritual and holy there. Nothing carnal there. There is no idolatry nor people being deceived there.


Your faith must be rooted in the Vine and the foundation God established on the day of Pentecost. He is a Jewish risen non pagan unblemished Messiah. He is the Lord of lords and King of Kings and may the glory be his. Amen

After Notes: John 216 has been in my focus for a long time and I understand as a message that God is relaying through his Word. 1111 am Wednesday February 9th 2022

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