Interesting but revealing

 March 4th 2022

Just going over some headlines I have come across. As well some other things I thought I would address. 

March 4th 2022 7:44 p.m.

Interesting but revealing

Since covid-19 and these plagues that some people don't trust the world has changed. We seen things described in scripture come to light. And there was a censoring of free speech No Doubt. But then again we do have evil-doers using their tongues in a way that is toxic against God. But there's more than that. They sensor people from having even discussions about a particular topic. Some of it is to be expected and other things are simply wrong in a free Society. Then we had the introduction of what is called fake news so one has not know what is real and what is not. Years ago they had real journalism and of course things could still be stretched. So as a Christian we usually talk about the gospel but on the Megyn Kelly show Christians could also learn by hearing others opinions. They censored President Donald Trump back then by kicking him off Twitter. And others to. And this show was interesting. Even Megan's insight into the situation was interesting. You know the Bible says the same tongue we use to bless people we use it to curse people. Man will not live on bread and water alone but by Every Idle Word that he speaks. We will give God an account on Judgement Day UN saved and not forgiven. My suggestion is to hold on to what is true and what is good and what is right in God's eyes. To love your neighbor as yourself. 

((( John 10:10 )))

As a biblical Christian if I tell you to be the best musicians or best professionally at what ever field I imply it does not mean you have too. But in life when given the opportunity of school and success make the best of it or else you will have to work very hard in life. Life is not easy. But learn whom Christ really is as the devil comes preaching another Jesus and another gospel. The bible says let no man steal your crown.  And some celebrities have implied God loves everyone! "For God so loved the world" John 3:16 God wants none to perish but people do perish. If someone tells you hell is fiction they do not know GOD. Jesus spent a great deal of his ministry teaching about hell.  He said repent or perish. To perish is to end up in hell. The other thing is other Christians do studies as well. Pray for those whom are deceived and those that persecute you. 

The above is very true but it is not the sole reason is what I know by being a true Christian. When he parts the sheep on his left and casts them away they could mount in the millions of millions of people. Not all are for the exact same reason. Some could have been doing works but they don't obey him and are actually like Judas. Others could be impressing him with their works but never beard their cross. GOD knows the heart and the intention.  I did blogs and audio video sermons on this. Your HEART must be right with GOD and you must be born again. John 3:3 See: 
The Apostle Paul’s Warning About The Last Days

Many serve Satin thinking they serve Christ!! Gods word tells us to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith and to contend for the faith once delivered unto the saints. 


I was wondering about Antipas!!! 

The traditional account goes on to say Antipas was martyred during the reign of Nero (54-68), by burning in a brazen bull-shaped altar at the Appollyon temple in Lyon/ Geneva Switzerland. There is a tradition of oil ("manna of the saints") being secreted from the relics of Saint Antipas.

Venerated in: Roman Catholic Church; Eastern Christianity

Died: AD 64-68; Pergamon, Asia Minor

Attributes: Christian martyrdom

Who was Antipas?

According to Eastern Orthodox traditions, according to the Commentary on the Apocalypse of Andreas of Caesarea, it is believed that Saint Antipas was the Antipas referred to in the Book of Revelation ..

This link here makes great sense about who was Autipas.

Call To Die: Who is "Antipas" in Revelation 2:13? Link here

Should they be shocked. You see why Christ said every liar will have their part in the Lake of Fire. John 10:10 says it all. We live in a fallen world and sometimes we have to obey GOD rather than men.

Do You Love God? Will Smith's Reply Will Shock You - YouTube

The Prosperity Gospel is not of God but of the devil. Bow Down and Worship me and I will give you the kingdoms of the world. (The devil to Jesus) is when the gospel turns into religion and deceives people. Sure you can serve two masters. Don't you see. It avoids the cross and rewards self.

Many people are ignorant about whom Jesus Christ really was/is and they are spiritually dead. They don't have understanding that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual evil that Christ told us about. Many people serve another Jesus and another gospel and are ignorant to think that they are actually Christians. On the other hand many people are ignorant of the rest of the world just as a guest has said. There are other nations that don't run on freedom in society and their societies are complex. There are dictators in this world and people that want to control the world. But we need to give thanks and Praises daily for everything and give thanks to God who does exist but he is Holy. There is a consequence for all the evil on Earth and the Bible tells us what it is. It also explains perfectly what man is going to be doing. There's only one door to Salvation and that is the biblical Lord Jesus Christ.

We wrestle not against flesh and blood. Jesus told us already that the thief comes to steal and to do evil but he came to give you life in abundance. But different nations run differently and they're not all democracies

I find it interesting that people grew up in different ways and immigrate to the United States when their lives were shattered and they got a chance at life and freedom. And they are appreciative for that.

Putin's real fear is Ukrainian Democracy | Brian Kilmeade Show 

Since we are a time when salvation is extremely important please a word from brother CAL. Give thanks and praise every-time in every situation. Sing songs unto Christ our lord and savior. 

Now then I don't always agree with their insight about ignoring the core doctrine of Christianity as I have studied this and know it is not right but as a Christian I like their stamina and courage. They may not understand. "I never knew YOU". They did GOOD works but their faith was not in HIM nor did they trust him or they became abusive to others or served another gospel and were not true Christians. Maybe they fell away because they cast out demons so Christ said to do such the Kingdom would have had to come unto YOU. They served two masters. Whom is your lord and savior? Are you sure you got the right Jesus. Christ - Emmanuel said to love each other. 

Preaching at a Mardi Gras parade on Fat Tuesday - YouTube

To conclude this blog today your life has to be right with God just as they proclaimed in their preaching above. You know in this summer I went by a band on the beach and people drinking alcohol and in prayer I got the notion that this was not of God and I was not to be there. I just strolled in and seen people with beer cans in their hands and smelling like alcohol. Just as they said when you die there's only  two destinations Heaven and Hell no such thing as purgatory. If you die in your sins and you ascend into the fire that is never quenched just as the preacher said that you will never come out. While you have the Breath of Life in your body you have to repent of your sins.

That the fella said you must be born again John 3:3. A lot of the deceived people totally do not understand what this means. Religion will take you to hell. Jesus said people keep the doctrines and Commandments of men and in vain do they worship Him. Make sure you got the right Jesus and the right gospel. 

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