Peace be with you


9:44 am 3.19.22

Matthew 5:9 - Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

In this blog we're going to talk about peace because it's very important. Christ is the Prince of Peace. He proved it in his lifetime on Earth. Today the Earth is full of evil just like in the day of Noah and things that have been prophesied have come to light. Unfortunately there is a bloody war in the Ukraine and ukrainians as well as Russians have been dying. Please keep people in your prayers. We would hope the word of God can transcend all and reach souls before they perish. We are instructed as Christians to love our neighbors as ourselves. None of us are perfect but a good heart cares about others. I do see people preaching peace and promoting peace sometimes and I heard about Arnold's recent outreach.


One problem that Apostle Paul had during his ministry he was dealing with radical phariseical type religious people that were from the Sanhedrin and they rejected Christ and mocked him and did all sorts of evils to his followers. Paul was dealing with something very traumatic and not easy to deal with and as Christians we are warned not to be Christian Pharisees which many become. I heard about the West Pro Baptist Church and their slogans God hates you. This is not true God sent his only begotten son that whomever believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16 you see people love their sin but we are not saved by works. You must have faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross and it's called the atonement.


I like different aspects of different Brothers and sisters in Christ and no one's perfect but Jimmy Miller made some predictions just like other Christians and he got it right on the money. Wars and rumours of wars by Jimmy Miller. Jimmy is a Street Preacher and he had gone through a hernia and some other hardships so keep him in prayer.


Back in the day when I was still in the world a little bit because I like music and aspired to songwriting and wanted to be a professional musician at one time I came across a fellow named Randy Coleman. Randy is an enormous talent. He wrote a song called Goodbye Renee. And I stumbled back upon it yesterday and it is about broken Love. I think I was meant to stumble back upon it as I can see. But why and what does this have to do with Jesus? You are to love your wife as Christ loved the church. You are to treat her well and pray for her. Don't put her down because your words have consequences. And lots of us did stupid things that harmed our relationships. And we have testimonies and there are lots of broken Love songs. They have an old slogan make Love not war. But God tells us we are not to defile the temple and keep it holy. Some people treat their dog better than they treat their partner. You are to become one flesh under Christ / under God. In life you reap what you sow. Always forgive and turn the other cheek.

Matthew 5:9 - Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

9.21 3.19.22

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