Blinded by the god of this world

SEE :     Christian News

 Stay close to God in faith and trust

5:44 a.m. August 1 2022

Blinded by the god of this world

In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

"I will appoint their portion with the unbelievers"

In this message there is a way that seems right to a man or woman and in the end it is not the right way and it does not lead to heaven.

You know some people who are true Christians preach don't be so religious. Don't become a Pharisee. You know when they exiled the Jewish people for their abomination against the true God and for breaking the Covenant imagine all of the years of pain you could imagine why they turned into Pharisees. They were trying not to get on God's bad side. But in the process they became high-minded and became dictators in religion. Now relationships turns into religion in essence. Some Street Preachers preach religion will take you to hell. God is a relationship and not religion. In biblical Christianity it can tend at times or has the possibility/potential to slip slightly into religion. Some preachers deal with this in their congregations. There is a huge world of difference between a true follower being a true Christian and a counterfeit Christian. Christ said his sheep hear his voice and obey him but many people claim to be Christians but they totally disobey him and they are indulged in all the things that are an abomination to God. In fact they follow lies, false teachings and call it God. God calls them deprived minds. Reprobate (s) that have put darkness for light and they like to have their ears tickled.

How can you have perfection in a fallen world that opposes everything called God and pops up many other gods and promotes it? You can't serve two masters and we are commanded to love God with all our heart, mind and soul. You need to know who God truly is. You need to know who Christ really is. God is the God of Israel and the God of the Bible. God is Not Pagan nor is Jesus Christ Pagan nor did he ever teach such things. No Apostle taught such things but they did warn about them including Christ himself and that is also found in the Book of Revelation too. Once you become a true Christian you will have understanding spiritual and otherwise. You will come to understand why you can't serve two masters. You will come to understand a little leaven leavens the whole load. To be a true Christian is not an easy life although the fruits of the spirit are joy, peace happiness and good measure. But true Christians deny themselves and pick up their cross and also evangelize the word of God. Those that are deceived take part in those things that devil likes not things that be of God. People in religion and religion is vast will read/associate even scripture from The Book of John and believe that Christ is of religion. Absolutely not. He is the great king but true Christians follow true precepts. They listen to him and sometimes they do violate their conscience because nobody's perfect. I've done it. Christ said let the dead bury the dead and you go preach the gospel. You see they have no faith. He's not the god of the dead he is the God of the living.

The conversation in the world is evil. People even women what is on the mind is profanity and all the vile affections of the world. What does that mean? You know I once liked the big stars and wanted to be like them. Like everybody else I wanted those things that God says will lead you to hell. There are celebrities and famous people that live in big mansions and even do charity to some extent but what they're really promoting is things that are against the true God through their lifestyle of sin. You can't serve two masters but they can't get that until it's too late. You can't live a holy life and serve two masters. You can't serve the true God and serve two masters unless you truly are not serving the true God and just deceiving your own heart like the world does. This is the world we live in and when we tell people the truth they hate it with a passion. Jesus said if they won't hear my words they won't hear your words either. He said if they persecuted me they will persecute you yet he is the son of the Living God. He had nowhere to lay his head as he said himself and if you truly have understanding you will understand as a rebellion of this world against God is mind boggling. Yes he and God are one of the same. Even for me I know that hell is eternal. That's a frightening thought but it's true. God said man can kill the body but he cannot kill the soul. How is that supposed to give us comfort? It will not give you comfort if you are following lies because if God rejects you then you will be in hell and not heaven.

It's not like we have to do a bunch of works to get God's approval and to get saved. But Christ once said if you want to enter into life keep the Commandments. He said if you love me keep my Commandments. (Not promoting works) People murder people with their thoughts and their aggressive words. When you become a born again Christian you are a new creature in Christ. You have put away the old and put on the new man and that is truly the way to life. A bunch of abominable religious rituals will damn your soul for all of eternity. But a relationship in prayer and faith which means you obey God is the real way. Think about it in Noah's day only eight people were saved out of probably millions of people when the floods came. Christ was not a pushover he condemned complete towns like Galilee failing to repent.

God's word says I put life and death before you choose life. Today people are indulged in entertainment and very few Christians stand up against the abominable offenses in the world that people do against the true God. That word "Christian" people call themselves but very few people live it and really understand what it truly is. Many people will hear I never knew you on the judgment Day. Where your heart is so will be your treasure and try to ponder what that really means. Have a good day. 6:06 a.m. August 1st

Are you truly living the life in Christ? You see Christians that are born again Live the Life In Christ and that's not the same thing as knowing about him but not listening to him. Many people know about him and even perhaps at the funeral will speak about the Bible and quote verses. Only God could know the heart of the person. We would hope that the person is in Christ. But many people are not born again and they don't listen to him. They have what is called religiosity and perhaps on the day of judgment he doesn't know them. So you could apply certain scriptures the same as anyone else but if such a person is not really living the life in Christ that will be or maybe a shocking wake up call. This is why it is written there's a way that seems right to a man in the woman but in the end it is the way of death. 

PROVERBS 14:12 KJV "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof [are] the ways of death."


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