Christ sets a high standard for divorce.


Take heed you do not deal treacherously

Christ sets a high standard for marriage and divorce

I plead with you to put your union being your marriage first because that is putting God first as well. Spend time praying. Love each other deeply.

False Doctrines On Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage (Part 1) ~ David P. Brown 

Ecclesiastes 12:14

King James Version

14 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

Remember David had sexual relations with Bathsheba and she was married. He had her husband put to death. The baby they had died. There's also word that David had other women and a xx concubine. Now I don't know for sure if Davids remarried status after Bathsheba. But you see there's consequences for sin. If somebody committed sexual fornication then the innocent party has a right to remarry. The offending party does not have a right to remarry and is bound by the doctrine the preacher mentioned. And as he said people bring up well what if there's kids in the marriage. What is written in the scripture? The Way of the transgressor is hard. Proverbs 13:15 KJV

15 Good understanding giveth favour: but the way of transgressors is hard.

Now at the beginning of this or close to thereof the preacher talked about people dying in their sin. What is the consequence of that? Outer darkness which is really hell. As he said one little sin Unforgiven and you die in that state is not wise when you reject the son of the Living God and His sacrifice. John 3:16

Here is part 2

False Doctrines On Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage (Part 2) ~ David P. Brown 

Just like the preacher said there's a lot of false Doctrine going around. First of all you have to make sure just as he said that God really joined these two people together. Are you sure it's a holy marriage and a Biblical marriage. Are you sure it's God who joined you together. But once you become married you become one flesh and God is involved whether you want to believe it or not. You can just want to separate for whatever reasons you do but scripture is very stern for what God put together let no man separate.

I will say from what I know that it takes two and people have different reasons for their families to be broken or people getting divorced and remarried more than once. But from what I know a lot of women are manipulators and they are not communicators. Could be same for men to some degree. There are probably women that are communicators but what are we communicating and what are we really seeking?

Here is another video telecast I've come across. Both of these have been anointed for me. So they are extremely important.

Jesus On Divorce And Remarriage 

If you love me, if you love me, if you love me keep my Commandments.

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