Blind inner stained hypocrites

 4:40 p.m.  October 1st 2022

Clean first the inside of the platter

Are Pharisees and Sadducees the same?

The Pharisees' Judaism is what we practice today, as we can't make sacrifices at the Temple and instead we worship in synagogues. The Sadducees were the wealthy upper class, who were involved with the priesthood. They completely rejected oral law, and unlike the Pharisees, their lives revolved around the Temple.Mar 10, 2017

The Pharisees (Hebrew: Perushim) emerged as a distinct group shortly after the Maccabean revolt, about 165–160 bce; they were, it is generally believed, spiritual descendants of the Hasideans.

Hence, the Pharisees fostered the synagogue as an institution of religious worship, outside and separate from the Temple. The synagogue may thus be considered a Pharasaic institution, since the Pharisees developed it, raised it to high eminence, and gave it a central place in Jewish religious life.

What tribe did the Pharisees come from?

The Pharisees were a Jewish sect that emerged c. 150 BCE and promoted the idea of priestly purity for all Jews, belief in providence or fate, and the concept of the resurrection of the dead, and taught that besides the commandments, Oral Law was also passed down by Moses. Feb 2, 2022

Who were the Pharisees in biblical times?

Pharisees were members of a party that believed in resurrection and in following legal traditions that were ascribed not to the Bible but to “the traditions of the fathers.” Like the scribes, they were also well-known legal experts: hence the partial overlap of membership of the two groups.

What does it mean to be called a Pharisee?

Definition of pharisee

1 capitalized : a member of a Jewish sect of the intertestamental period noted for strict observance of rites and ceremonies of the written law and for insistence on the validity of their own oral traditions concerning the law. 2 : a pharisaical person 

Are Pharisees and Sadducees the same?

The Pharisees' Judaism is what we practice today, as we can't make sacrifices at the Temple and instead we worship in synagogues. The Sadducees were the wealthy upper class, who were involved with the priesthood. They
completely rejected oral law, and unlike the Pharisees, their lives revolved around the Temple.  Mar 10, 2017

In my after thoughts and notes: Here's is a major important problem Christ thought about the Pharisees.. Jesus portrays the Pharisees as impatient with outward, ritual observance of minutiae which made them look acceptable and virtuous outwardly but left the inner person unreformed.

You see you must be born again and a lot of people appear righteous to others on the outside just as many celebrities wear expensive clothes that other people can't afford but within they're full of every evil and iniquity you could imagine. Remember the wages of sin is death. A lot of people are on the broad road to Hell. You see Christ said his yoke is easy and his burden is light. He's not trying to control the world or fill himself up with things that are abominable. 4:44 p.m. same day

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