Pottymouth vomit

 October 10, 2022 : 808 a.m

Crippling platter potty mouths set on fire

Isaiah 64:6

King James Version

6 But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.

Sex toys, fornication and as a platters that are sin stained.

You know out of many celebrities that you hear breakups reported in the public forum that's one thing but there are a few that have long lasting marriages and that's a very good thing but there are two things that are very deceiving in this world. One of them is celebrities who claim to believe in Jesus even if they do have long-lasting viable relationships with their wife ie: partner but they're entrenched in the world, loved by the world and in essence worshiped by the world is something that has the potential to make such a person God's enemy. James 4.4 This is not a matter of being under law but the truth doesn't change. You know it is said that the times we are in are comparable to the time of Noah and of course it's 100% true. The wages of sin is always death. The real way is extremely narrow and straight. The real way to life. The other one that the world cannot accept is that fornication can lead a person to hell for all of eternity. The world is astonished and embraces the flesh and all sorts of fornication. No wonder Christ said there's not even one who is good but God who is in heaven. The flesh profits nothing from such abominations but the spirit profits when you live in the spirit and not the flesh. God is extremely serious about sin.

What I've also noticed is that race, age or profession in life does not make somebody clean. For instance I've come across police officers that swear where I might have had a little bit of a different image of such people at one time. Sin is not limited to just one component in life. Man hates the light. Even the fashion industry in a sense subscribes to that point of view that is yearned by the minds of those whom believe a little fornication here or there is okay. And even if we subscribe to it and it seeps in parents usually would not want their kids involved in such things but they're not willing to admit their own dirty minds stained hearts are wicked. Through certain people society tries x times to embrace it and even makes jokes about it. But I don't think if anybody's in hell right now it's a laughing matter. I remind you that God tells us we are to live a holy life as true Christians. It is written that the vine is Holy and so should the branches be. John 15:5 Even by looking at somebody with lust Christ said whomever does so already commits adultery with such a person in their heart. A human beings tongue has the power of life and death. Just as written in the explanation of scripture the same tongue a person uses to bless somebody is the same tongue they will use to curse somebody and eat their food also. The power of life and death is in the tongue which is a little rudder which steers the rest of the body. It can steer a person right into the pit of Hell for all of eternity. With it we ask for forgiveness and we make a confession unto salvation. With it we can earn eternal damnation. With the same tongue people use it to take God's name in vain. It's the same tongue people pray with as a group. As apostle Peter said the dog has returned to their own vomit. Proverbs 26:11 2 Peter 2:22 What manner of speech is on your tongue? What fruit are you bearing?

So I've come across a news article and it is related to what made me write this blog. The article is here.

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