Anointed Testimony

Warning ..the lake of fire

There are countless Hell testimonies including on the Deathbed. But you know how many there probably are that are Untold or people don't come forward. Hell is a real place but many people don't believe it. At the same time with the current news I do think people should pray for peace and pray for the leaders of the world in a Time that is dangerous.

SEE :   Christian News


3.1K views · 1 month ago

This is Anointed so it's very important. You too can find Freedom in the biblical Jesus Christ of Nazareth as described in the King James Bible.

Her testimony is long and intricate. It is detailed and she had a hard life. It's horrible but when you are washed in the blood and you are truly saved and you have given your life to the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth you're on the right track. But I remind you you have to constantly renew your mind and set it on things that are of GOD and take it off the flesh. Romans 12:2 The flesh Wars against the spirit. When you set your mind on the imagery of the world be the World the Flesh and the devil you are in idolatry. Set it on things from above. Remember you must be born again. John 3:3 This is real and it's not from man it comes directly from God. 

You must pray. You can overcome because if Jesus Christ can so can you. There is always a way out but of course the evil one the adversary doesn't want you to know that. He wants you to think that you are at a dead end. Remember Christ humbled himself to a cross. He didn't need to follow the world and to partake in those things that are evil that are of the world. He said the evil one had nothing on him. They spit on him and they insulted him like there's no tomorrow being the savior of the world and the only name given on to men in which he might find Salvation. Remember when you are weak you are strong. Set your mind on things that be of God and make sure you have oil in your lamps. Ponder on the word of God and doing his will instead of your own. Don't look back at yesterday but go forward and set your mind on the things that are eternal. It's not easy to do but it's a good thing to live the life in Christ and not in the world. Remember once you are in Christ you're a new creature in Christ and all things are made new. 

Christ said that people do evil because they have not known him. People die in their sins they will not go to heaven but they will go to hell for all of eternity. We reap what we sow. Christ often said to people to repent or perish. To repent is not simply saying I'm sorry but to set your mind truly on things that be of God and stop following that pernicious way to hell no matter what.

You have it  you to change because greater is he that is in you that is in the world. You can overcome by the blood of the lamb and their testimonies. Revelation 12:11

Rebuke with long suffering.. 2 Timothy 4:2


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