Greater Love Has No one

Warning ..the lake of fire

SEE :    Christian News

God is no respecter of persons. He is love despite that people end up in hell. The wages of sin is death. For God so loved the world. He gave us a savior. But people are deceived and follow lies. Lies cannot save your soul. To love God is to know him and to put on the mind of Christ. Christ said the only one good is GOD  

As of October 6, 2022 the current updated blogs are here

October 27th 2022

Greater love has no man; if you love me

What is the true meaning of love? It is to know the true God and to obey his commandments even though we are not under the law. It is not to take part in things that are abominable to him like halloween which is the worship of demons and is not commanded for us to keep such traditions that are rebellion in such as halloween. Love, we want to be loved unconditional and if a sibling or a parent passes away of course we're going to miss them even if they weren't always kind to us. My dad for example was very stern on me but he also was loving in a hard way. He showed me what it takes to be a man at work and command other people. Sometimes I made him look bad at work because I appeared smarter and more educated. He did things at times that made the job worst even though the men told him your son knows what he's doing. But at times he would commend me. He bought me a car once or twice even three times. Once I came home and there was an old car identical to mine in the driveway and I went inside and asked  what is that car and he said I bought it for parts for you for your other car. When I was a young guy I wanted a 10-speed bike and he said you think I'm going to work a week for you and he made me cry. I was just a child. Within the year he bought me a bike. He just wanted me to know that in life you have to work hard and if you give handouts and you spoil your kids you teach them evil. I've seen women spoiled children beyond recognition and think that is perfectly okay. Then I've seen women not spoiled children and teach them the right way and that's not easy. God is no respecter of persons and of course he lets the devil deceive the entire world. It's the greatest test you will ever have and it shows God where your aspirations and your convictions are. He knows there are reprobates and people that have been brainwashed by the god of this world regardless he knows there are people that follow lies and even counterfeit religion and they will even uphold their lies that's going to take them to the pit of Hell with their own life. They don't realize what it means to actually be born again by the spirit of God. John 3:3  They have a distorted image of what true love is. What true holy love that is eternal is. Telling somebody something they want to hear when it's not true is a lie. If I tell a woman she's so pretty and she's not given that gift I'm lying to her. God doesn't think as men do. He gives people different gifts and some vessels he doesn't make them for honor but actually makes them for dishonor and that's in scripture. Romans 9:21 He the true God punishes generations for their iniquity while rewarding others that truly show him that they love him. He exiled his own people, his own Nation for 400 years and he did it twice in the second time was some 70 years one time to Egypt and another time to Babylon because they were worshiping strange gods and doing abominable idolatry. Today we have people gambling, selling drugs, taking drugs and being abusive to the authorities which God ordains and also involved in gangs and perpetual sins and they're not going to heaven but they're going straight to hell. When some of these people die they're relatives will most likely think and say they're in heaven right now and so will some of the maybe religious elites when they're actually in a place called hell. God is not a respecter of persons and you need to understand this. You see Christ on the day of judgment is going to cast people into outer darkness. This is in scripture. People tell him we did all these wonderful things, cast out demons and he's going to say you workers of iniquity and I never knew you. They're not his and they don't obey him. Remember there was a parable where he said a man sold everything he wanted to purchase a field. The essence he was willing to do what it took including picking up his cross. He wasn't attached to material goods. Even Judas sold him Christ out for 30 pieces of coins after he was an apostle already. Apostle Peter denied him. To the religious elites he called them snakes and whitewashed tombs and warned them how will they escape the damnation of hell. (Creating twice the child of hell as they are) The wages of sin is death and even modern Christians are turning into Pharisees and disobeying God. To be lukewarm is evil but to be on fire for God you don't have to be a Pharisee. You need spiritual discernment. You have to know the mind of Christ to put it bluntly. People reminisce about yesterday and believe their loved ones are in heaven when they could actually be in hell. When people die instead of thinking I hope they went to heaven they mend the pain by looking back. But Christ said a man who looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God. What will it profit you to gain the world and to forfeit your own soul.

To conclude the wages of sin is death. Fornication in God's eyes is evil. To be a lukewarm Christian is considered evil and unrighteous. The heart is abundantly wicked and who could know it. There is no other name by that of the name Jesus Christ of Nazareth otherwise given the name Emmanuel God with Us at birth for salvation. God is not religion but God is relationship and those who worship them "must" worship him in spirit and in truth. If you do things that are abominable against the holy God you do not love him. You can't serve two masters. Remember that 8:44 p.m. October 27th 2022

I recommend reading

1 Corinthians 13:1 - 13:13 The love of charity. 1 Corinthians 13 1 to 13 is about what true charity is.

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